On Mission 91 teg Sexiness

well bad news my girlfriend threw my walbro pump away…:shrug::tsk: good news is she ordered me another one

Lovin’ the interior bro. Just clean up the stains a bit. I wish I had the tan/black interior. It’s sick!

finally she is alive!!! got her back up and running today no pics due to my cam bein broken :frowning:

broken cam? damn.

how would a motor run with a broken cam!? lulz

his camera is broken not the camshaft in his car! car looks good you should have left it the orig color.

lulz i know. i was just playing with his words.

yea i should have done it myself the first time then i wouldnt have to do it now and waste time and money but hey u live and u learn once i finish my newly accuired dd ill start the body work on this little lady lol

my dad does the spaying and i do the sanding…Fu%k a booth backyard ftw lol

picked this up for $20 shipped about 6 months ago and now i finally feel like installing it but just cant figure it out just yet

installed the visor and picked up some new parts

gen 1 skunk2 intake with 64mm ported tb by JG for $180 pretty good price given that a good port job costs around $150

picked up another part

JDM cluster :slight_smile:

started out rice

amber gauge conversion

good bye rice

hello nice

ps sorry for the crappy pics my camera is broken so i used my phone

i have a question regarding syncromesh …is it made by penzoil… or gm? cuz while i was at autozone i was looking at the gear oils and saw a penzoil version of syncromesh …is that the right stuff to cure slight grinds? also would i be better off getting that royal purple stuff?

theres two versions, there is one by penzoil and one by GM, for the GM stuff you have to go to a dealer, but me personally i only use Honda fluid, Honda made, honda played, feel me?

yea i see what u mean thanks for the info

night time pic of cluster i left the needle lights the stock color

no problem, keep up the good work

got me a new camera and installed the intake, b&m short shifter, and sunroof visor:)

cars looking nice yeah id rip out the interior and steam clean it i do it to al ma tegs n i had the tan interior and mine was worse than urs n i cleaned it minty fresh it do ton sein u doin alota work to her keep up the good work

can i use one of those $50 steam cleaners from walmart?