The story of Omnipower USA...


see thats the otehr thing tho… i wanna know how both ride before purchasing…i been reading on honda-tech and a lot of guys buy the sporet versions and still use them on the street…bleh this sucks for me but i know ill probably get the street version

well pleather the roads back in HI are a lot more smoother than the roads here in the bay area so you might be ok with the sport version. way too many potholes and shit here even in santa rosa. so im going with street. but i will definately let you know how it feels for the price of two 6packs of passion orange juice. muuuahahaha :shy:

ps. don’t even ask how much they charge per can here?! :bawl:

you have got to be kidding me right? you ever been here? it’s pothole city… where i live every time it rains(which is very often in hawaii) the roads in my neighborhood get potholes… maybe 3 weeks later they pay some idiot to come out and spray paint circles around the potholes… then a week after that two more idiots get paid to sit in the back of a truck with asphault and look for those circles… jump out and throw some rocks down… they give it one good pat and theyre off to find the rest of the circles… as soon as it starts raining again the EXACT SAME FUCKING POTHOLES APPEAR! this state is retarded i tell you… and to make things worse… instead of repaving our roads… they do “beautification” projects… which add trees, you know the kind that have huge roots that lift the road up when they get big :wtf:

if only i was mayor :angel:

o yea and in that case… better stick to street :cool:

i lived in pearl city for 12 years and graduated from pearl city high school.

pleather you haven’t seen potholes till you’ve driven in cities like san fran where even if you’re 4x4 you scrape because the roads are so bad. not to mention that if even one drop of rain falls the people here panic and drive worse than normal :mad: i’m always like you guys call this rain, shit try driving in hawaii when it rains on H1 and you can’t see past your bumper, MOVE!!!

Whats a pothole? Here in Idaho we only have dirt roads. Well with the exception of Walmarts parking lot. Very Nice. :up:

but pearl shitty has fairly nice roads compared to kalihi(where i go to school) it sucks man… everytime they repave… more construction

i remember driving through kalihi 5 days a week when i went to HCC, believe me SF is much worse.