Spoon Sportz racing Chip

am a newbie. I dont know what that means.

Me neither, I just thought is sounded cool :rant:


Socketed in simple tems is just like a quick release steering hub on your ecu… want to change the ecu in a snap like a stering wheel sorta? well that’s what it does. it’s like a spcaer in between yuor ecu and your ecu chip so that you don’t ahve to resoder your ecu chip evey single time you wanan switch it up. I use ZIF socket for even easier use :smiley:

thank you again. and no i do not have that.

zTuNnAz rUleZ!1!1!1

How good are you at sodering? :stuck_out_tongue:

ohh snap. not good. my dads a professional electrician, i will get him to do it

Better get him to do it then as it’s not a suepr easy thing to do and you need steady hands as the pins are so close so you don’t want to conenct pins together with soder… :stuck_out_tongue: Tell him to socket it so you can put our stock chip back in afterwards.

alright thank you good buddeh :slight_smile:

Spoon never chipped non-vtec ecu’s to my knowledge.

Here come the wire nuts. Tell him use a zif socket, they are cool.

Use spell check. Plus, I’m pretty sure its somewhere in the rules that you are not aloud to speak of religion.

i said buddeh…not buddha…as in Buddy

Try it. Rev it to 9k if it lets you.

Do this 20 times in a row and it will program the chip.

What have these forums come to :hmm: Someone has to always complain about something…anyways, just like the rest of them said don’t use the chip… :up: