B18b or B20b

This pretty much says it. And then you add in what daver said.

USDM B20B 96’-98’ = JDM B20B 96’-98’
USDM B20Z 99’-01’ = JDM B20B 99’-01’
The “Z” was US only.

As daver said, there are some years that had a 2 layer h/g and a 9.2 cr, yet still had a low rise mani, and knock sensors. It was supposed to be the same engine/pistons as the 8.8 cr, but with same manifold and thiner h/g to get it to 9.2 cr. There was a HUGE thread about this very issue on H-T or one of the boards. I believe it concluded that the only sure way to tell if you are getting a 9.6 cr B20B from JDM importers was to check for several things like, low rise mani, knock sensor, 3 layer h/g, and pull the head to check the code on the pistons. I don’t remember the piston code off-hand… PHK maybe? Some board surfing should turn it up.
