Amber Fog Lights

allright El, can I pick it up from any hardware store?

try a hobby (RC planes/cars) shop

1 sec: I’ll get you a pic of the bottle

here you go:

Ah, K its a hobby paint.

I thought it was glass paint (transparent)
thanks man!

you got it :up:

After reading message after message after message, I don’t think it’s a good idea to paint the bulb itself. Unless you have a high temp light bulb paint, doing this will result in bulb injury. The light will simply burn the paint, it will turn brown and can damage the housing itself (did something similar to this idea and did not turn out well).

Best bet is to do the legend yellow fog light deal.

Either that, convert your usdm foglight to use 1156 bulbs (like the del sol’s) then you can run on amber yellow/orange 1156’s in your foglights :slight_smile:

now you look like a cop car

i bought some clear high temp coating to solve that problem…and what looks like a cop car?

mdt, I am taking a diffrent approach to this now. My friend told me the same thing. so Instead, im just gonna paint the housing yellow. he did the same thing and got yellow output. so I’ll do it thje way he did.

police cars have amber or orange lights on like that :down: on the crown vic’s

im sorry, but i really see no need to paint the bulbs yellow or orange, if u go to the junkyard and pick up the legends foglights, it looks 10X better without the mess. plus when i did the legend foglight swap, i should the lady at the junkyard the parts, and she said i can have them for free, so it was damn worth, better then buyin some paint, plus all u have to do is just unscrew the backin and add the bulb covers on them, it even got the little slots for the legend light covers to fit right into the housing!

was it “bring back old threads” day yesterday?

Bringing it back up again sorry. :smiley:

What is with all the effort of taking the lenses apart and painting them?

Why not just get a Yellow H3 bulb?

Hella 78135Y
H3 55w Yellow Star
$5.82 each

So if i painted the bulbs blue, they would have a blue light to them?

yes, but it’s not really recommended… the blue is a very light color and will fade easily. Not to mention that it’s illegal to have blue lights on a car.

i removed the glareguards without taking it apart.

so did everyone else… he just went a step further and painted the bulb.

Old thread I know but where the best place to buy amber fog bulbs? I wanna take out my stock fog bulbs and put amber ones in. I don’t really know what to look for. Can anyone tell me the certin number code or whatever so I can find amber fog bulbs? I searched around and thought it would be in this thread and come to find out the people in here just painted the bulbs to make it that color. Thanks!

If you want a real amber color, I can’t help you. If you want yellow, then just get the yellow H3 bulbs. They can be found @ any auto store in the ricey section. Or you can get PIAA bulbs, & pay like $30-40 for the pair.
:burnout: :manual:

Do they sell amber lights? Or is it just the yellow?