Can someone please check their 90-91 Manual for recommended octane rating?

Attached is a picture of a 91 integra manual recommending 91 octane for our cars, yet every thread Ive checked on here people are recommending 87. Can some please confirm this for me? I just moved and cant find my manual at the moment…


Here’s the pic:

Scroll to the table of hydrocarbons.
“regular” gasoline in US and Canada 91–92 82–83 87

The fist number is the RON (91-92), the second is the MON octane, and the third is the average of the two. The average is what you see at the pumps.

Thanks man, that helped a lot. i thought I had this all figured out until I saw that damned line in the manual but RON is the operative word here…

A recommended RON 91 = aprox. 87 Octane.

Thanks again.