conversion form b18 to b16vtec?

im jus wondering if it is a better option to do a conversion to a b16 vtec?
im curious about price wise and performance wise …
if any one has any suggestions it will be greatly appreciated


Why is this here? Do a search, there ahs been many pro/cons of swapping in a b16. I have a B16 turbo in my car.

:werd: :wrong:

tchleung…u have a b16a turbo setup in ur g2?
what parts did u use and are there any kits available for this type of setup?
im also planning to go turbo in my b16a g2 but dunno where to start
any help would be greatly appreciated

If you want to buy a kit, jsut buy it for s standard 90-93 integra, depending on te year of the motor. Pretyt muchy everything will work. I pieced together my own kit tho.